Saturday, March 17, 2018


After receiving medical advice that she has  six months to live, a  woman who  has for many years  photographed the natural beauty of Magnetic Island , promoted it overseas  and  helped to  protect the   flora and  fauna  was  appalled  to see   the Townsville City Council  has placed  the   above  sign   for  walking tracks  at   the  Alma Bay parking area .  She  said  it blocks the pleasant view , detracts  from the  beauty  of  the place and  gives  the  impression that it is  Townsville, not  Magnetic Island

The  beach  at Alma  Bay  was  popular with  the late  author, historian, anthropologist and academic , Inga  Clendinnen , and her  philosopher husband ,  John , when  they   came  to  the  island  to  escape Melbourne's  winter .
 If  the  council was  intent on erecting the  ill considered  sign  at Alma  , it could have been  used  to  cover part of  the   larger , rusting  billboard  directly opposite , which  had  been constructed  to  promote  a proposed  town  house project that  failed  to eventuate  a decade or  so  ago ,  wires  hanging  down . 

 The ill fated Welcome to Magnetic Island  banners near the island ferry terminal   have  been  replaced with  new ones  welcoming  visitors to Townsville, puzzling  for   exhausted   Irish   backpackers ,  befuddled   grey  nomads  and  passengers  off  cruise ships  who  think  they  are visiting  Magnetic Island .