Tuesday, January 2, 2018


As part of the Commonwealth Games  on  Queensland's  Gold Coast this year, the Australasian Limp Fallers' Olympics will be  held on Magnetic Island . This  lucrative  coup  is due to  the tireless efforts of the Townsville City Council , Townsville Enterprise  and  other  dynamic  cowboys   who  organised  the  long  running  limp falling Welcome to Magnetic Island  banners  near  the ferry terminal . A remnant of the extensive  wall of banners  is  still   limp  after  months , our  latest photographs taken on Wednesday morning , January 3.
Exceedingly limp  Koala.
The  latest limp section of the banner  had  been hanging  attractively as the island was being  invaded  by  thousands of  New Year celebration  visitors, many of them  experienced  limp  fallers  from  around  the  globe.  Some were exceptionally  limp after   the  fireworks display  and  the jollity  surrounding  seeing  out  the old  year  and  noisily bringing in  the  new.   Indeed, some, stretched out on the beach ,  were so limp  when  the sun came up  that they could easily  have  won  gold at the  Australasian  Limp  Fallers' Olympics .
Veteran limp fallers all over the splashy globe  are invited to squeeze the Australasian Limp Fallers'  Olympics   on  crumpled up   Magnetic Island  into  their   already  undoubtedly  very   full  2018  calendar . Members of the sweaty Barmy Army  welcome  to  attend  if  they  bring  talcum powder.