Monday, February 3, 2025


Written by  a  professor    at   Townsville's James  Cook University  , A Woman of Courage ,  about  Rose de Freycinet , who   snuck  aboard  her  husband's  ship  in  1817   at  the start  of  an  historic  three year  round  the world French scientific  expedition , which  included  Australia , attracted  much attention   when  it  was   published   by  the  National  Library  of  Australia  in   l996.

The   above  illustration  , from the   NLA's  news magazine for October  l996, explained her  diary had been translated and  edited   in  English  for  the  first  time   by  Professor  Marc  Serge  Riviere , Associate Professor  of  French  and  Dean of  Arts  for 10 years  at  JCU .

It told how  Rose, 22, married  for three years  to  naval officer   Louis-Claude  de Saulces  de Freycinet ,  stowed away  aboard  the  French Government vessel Uranie  , which  he  commanded  at  the  start  of  the  major voyage. 

Dressed in an officer's  uniform, a blue frock-coat and trousers, she stole aboard the ship after midnight on September  17, l817-  the day  it was  to set  sail from Toulon.  There were  125 men  on the sailing ship . She remained in disguise   until   reaching  Gibraltar. 

Naturally, French  reporters went crazy when  the word eventually came back that  she was  aboard ship.  Louis XVlll  was reportedly amused when informed  and  said  her  act of conjugal devotion was to be excused , since it was  unlikely to be  imitated. 

The voyage included Western Australia and New South Wales, Hawaii, Timor, New Guinea, and  other Pacific Islands .

The  December  NLA   magazine  featured  an  extensive  article   about the   book, headed   The Captain's Wife Stows  Away . It  included  a watercolor from the  NLA   collection of  the official  reception for the  Uranie    at  Dili, Portuguese Timor .

From Timor, the ship sailed to Port Jackson, where  Rose  de  Freycinet  recorded   interesting  views on  Sydney society . 

As luck would have  it , the latest  acquisitions list  from Douglas  Stewart Fine Books, Melbourne, includes the above  l927 published letters of Rose de Freycinet (1794-1832), written  while  aboard  Uranie, sent to her friend Caroline de Nanteuil .

This first edition is magnificently illustrated with collotype plates after Jacques Arago, the expedition’s official voyage artist. 

On sale for $2200,it contains 25 plates, l3 in colour,  including a panorama of Sydney and  a Sandwich Islands  baptismal scene.   

The letters were edited  by Charles Duplomb , Paris : Societé d’Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, with an introduction by Baron de Freycinet, a  direct descendant. 

NOTE: Professor Riviere took up the Chair of French at Limerick University, Ireland , soon  after  publication  of  his  book.  He  published  more than 35 books in French and English , one  Travels with Voltaire:academic memoirs ,  which covered his life experiences and  travels from Mauritius  to Scotland,Canada , Australia, Ireland  and  back to  Mauitius on retirement. He was  decorated by  the  French  government .

(French. Stowaway. Pacific.)