Thursday, February 2, 2023


 Another     offbeat   Darwin   yarn   is   in  the   running   for  the  2023  Mango   Madness  Literary   Award  .

It  involves  a  well known  resident   who  in  his younger  days  was  known as   Mad  Max  because  of   his tough  demeanour  on  the  footie  field , blood at  times   flowing  from  his   face .

The  message went  out : don't  mix  it  with  mean  Mad  Max .

However  , he  has  recently been  revealed  as  a  soft,  truly sensitive   person in   a  most  unusual  saga.

Following   rain which   swept through  an open  part of his  apartment  , he  found  a large   plastic   box   had   part  filled.  So  he took a bucket and began to  bale  it  out .

Just about to  throw a  bucketful  into  a nearby garden , his eye caught  something   move  :  a    tiny  tadpole .

Eventually called   Lucky, because it was lucky not to have been  thrown to its  death , the   little   wriggler   was  placed  in  a  Laksa  soup  bowl ,below,  and  given  royal   treatment .   

This  included  being fed expensive  lettuce  leaves , broccoli,munching on some in the photo, and  corn pieces , for  which it   came  back  for  seconds  and  thirds . 

Being so well looked after, the  tadpole, on friendly terms  with the rescuer , being somewhat  of  a  celebrity chef ,  developed   muscles  and   signs  of  legs .

Lucky , at  times  called Tady , changed in shape , began to sit  on  top  of  leaves  in  the  Laksa  bowl .

Then , sadly, he  disappeared . Becoming  a  muscular  frog, keen to play football in  the  big  pond league  ,  he  may have  just hopped away.

When discussing the  disappearance  of  his little buddy , MM  said he missed  his  company.

It  brought  back  sad memories , he  confessed ,of  the time when he was a boy  and  a   pet  frog   died ,  causing  him  to   cry .