Saturday, February 4, 2023


 How's this  for a   conspiracy  theory ?   The  disappearance of  this  blog's   Curlew  family , including  two recently hatched  chicks, is  due to  the  strange    UFO ,  below ,  seen   hovering  over  Magnetic  Island  at  night .

The  cute  Curlews could  not  be  found  the following   morning  despite a desperate search .  It  is  feared they  were  sucked  up  by  the   balloon   and  could  end  up  as  bogus  chicken  chow  mein  in  a   Beijing  Friday  Club   cafe . 
Last  photograph  of  mother  with  babes . 

Naturally, this exclusive report has  automatically been  included in the  highly competitive  2023   Mango  Madness  Literary  Award   contest .

The Chinese embassy has also been warned  that  any further  balloons  sighted over the  island will be immediately  shot  down with  the latest high-tech  spring roll / heat  seeking   bow  and  arrow.  Or the neighbour's Gel blaster  shotgun.