Thursday, October 20, 2022


The juvenile   Curlew  which  has been strongly  told  to   leave   home  because  mother  is sitting on two  eggs   just refuses to   go  and  is   receiving   rough   treatment .  Several  times it  has been seen trying  to  once  more  get  back into  the  bossom  of   the family by   moving   ever  closer   to   mum.

However, pater , who  lurks  nearby  on  guard  ,  glares at  the  youngster and from  time to  time rushes in and  gives it  a sound pecking, causing it to run about  the   yard  squawking, father  towed  along  by  the  tail feathers .

The   ruffled  stayput  juvenile  above   had   just   been roughed  up  and  its  parent   was  snapped  below  with  a  piece of   feather in  its  beak . 


The  poor  kid  has  taken to  making  monotonous , sad little   cries  at  night and at times  taps on the   door of this blog  as if wanting shelter  and  another  feed.   A similar situation  is  developing with  another  Curlew  family  nearby where the  mother seems to be  showing signs of going broody.  

No sooner  had this been posted than it was discovered the Curlew had moved  nextdoor  during  last  night's  storm  and  was now finding it hard to find  its  way back home for a  feed.