Friday, June 17, 2022


 A touching story  has  surfaced  involving  a   nest  of  birds  made  by  a  Magnetic Island  resident  sent  to  Biloela , Queensland,   to  welcome  home  the  Nadesalingam  family , released from  house  detention  in  Perth ,Western  Australia,  by  the   Albanese Government .

When  the  family  was  shown  the  nest , representing the Tamil refugees, they  returned  with  feathers   to   cover , protect  the  birds .

The  photo  at  the top of  this  post  was  taken at  an Amnesty International  exhibition on Magnetic Island , in  the  Louver Gallery , not covered by the mainland media ,  in  which the  plight of   the  family , other refugees ,   Wikileaks  founder Julian  Assange  , a onetime island resident,  now  outrageously facing extradition  from  London  to   the  USA, were  highlighted.

Artworks  from  the  exhibition were   transported to Biloela  by  the  ALP   months  ago  for   public  display.