Saturday, February 12, 2022


 Our Shipping Reporter , the only one  north  of  Auckland, has returned  from a successful cruise  through  North Queensland  op shops , garage sales  and  piles of  junk   with  a  kitbag  of nautical  finds  , making  his fetid den look like a   cross between  Davey Jones's   locker   and   a  railway lost  property office. 

One   of  his  finds  , about  which  he  is  delighted, is the  above  framed  painting of  the Maldives on  a  coconut  palm  frond .

 He  made  the   highly  suspect   claim   that   he  was  reliably informed  the   following   battered   Casino  guitar ,in  a  pile of  rejects, was  strummed by  Scott  Morrison  holidaying  in  Hawaii , dressed  like a beach bum  in  white  rolled  up  daks, when  he   tripped  over  a  drunken  Elvis  Presley  look- alike  asleep  on the  beach  and  fell  with  it  into the sea , hence  the  missing strings and  dried  salt  coverage .

While you might scoff at the idea that ham- fisted ScoMo  played  this musical instrument,  it looks  suspiciously like  the  one he  mauled  in  the   following   brilliant  David Rowe  cartoon  that appeared in the Australian Financial Review .