Monday, February 7, 2022


Attention  all  keen  writers  of  letters  to  editors  intent  on  rapidly  filling  your    (s)crapbooks   with   ones  that   get   published  : don't  hesitate   to  repeatedly  put  the  Italian  slipper  into   Aunty  ABC  in   News Corp  publications , as  you  will   get a  prominent  run . 

A shining example  is the  above missive In  the Murdoch Townsville Bulletin  of  January 27, run  on the leader page , complete  with an insert of  ABC  chair  Ita  Buttrose.

Midst a  shower  of claims , the  writer ,who had recently had an emergency operation  in Townsville ,  implied  that  funding   the  ABC is a  threat to  the state's health scheme . And   increasing the  ABC's  annual  government  allocation  of  $1billion  would  be  a  Greek  pox, not a  virus on the nation . 

Ita Buttrose, it said, had told The Australian newspaper that  ABC  funding would  be an important issue in the federal election.

As if reading from a  Paul Murray or Outsiders  autocue, or  uttering  comments  by  one  of  the regular  turkeys who appear on  their   mind numbing  panel  discussions  , the writer asked :  

"Is  she shamelessly evoking every left -wing  journalist, green group, along with the Labor Party to start protesting now ? Does she want more money for low rating  shows  to grace the programming of the ABC ,or her huge staff will get a  pay rise  ?"

As everyone knows, News Corp,like ScoMo is psychologically  obsessed   with  the  ABC, has been so since  the l920s !!!- going back to Murdoch the elder.

 The obsession is  so  manic ,  News Corp last September accused the ABC  of being obsessed with  the  Australian newspaper   by  mentioning  it and  Rupert  Murdoch  56 times a day.

It quoted a dodgy  Institute  for Public Affairs report  for the bizarre claim. proved to be   wrong , admitted by  IPA, exposed on the ABC's Media Watch.

 The  Murdoch empire   is  agin  the   British  Broadcastiing Corporation  and moves  are  afoot  there  to  further  emasculate   its  services under the Tories. 

Imagine the turmoil in  News Corp after the announcement that  Coalition cuts to   the ABC   and  SBS, amounting to millions of dollars,   are to be restored . Is  there  an  election  looming ,doctor? 

The writer of the  above Townsville Bulletin letter    might  also  be  admitted to  the  Townsville  University  Hospital  for  urgent  shock  treament , if  Ita  Buttrose , revealed as  "the nut cracker " in  Hard Quiz , approves  a  fresh supply of  pre-loved  bedpans  for North Queensland .

UPCOMING : Who is calling   the  shots   in News Corp  ? What  the hell is going on at  Sky ? Other non-fake  exclusives .