Thursday, January 27, 2022


 From the Little Darwin jumbled files come  extracts  from   the   October 20,1945  last  issue of  Mulga , a  news sheet  which  was  produced for troops  in  Alice Springs during WWll. It provided a wide range of information  and even included  tips  for  interstate  horse races. 

It had started about  four years previously when   the Army Amenities Officer , Captain C .J. White,   decided a daily, single-sided  news  sheet  should be  produced, called Daily News Sheet .  A competition was held for an apt title, Mulga  selected .

It was essentially an Army paper  turned out on a  duplicator . As such it was undesirable to express any form of political opinion in the pages. Because of this, many interesting  articles and news items which would have appeared in an  ordinary newspaper  did not get a run .    

Mulga , with a staff of four or  five , appeared six days a week, with double issues three times a week .Subjects covered the local Sunday sporting events  and  the  latest " racing  gossip" from Melbourne and Sydney .

There was an occasional book review  and  articles from overseas  magazines were  reprinted. Overseas news and home news always took pride of place  .The last edition paid tribute  to  two race tipsters "Gloming" and his successor , "Beauford", said to be as good  as  many southern papers .They were George Newman from the Military Post Office  and Sergeant Cliff Werner of the 25 Employment Company .

News from Home , in the last edition, started by the race tips ,  included  a short piece stating  Dominion Monarch of the Shaw Savill Line  was due in Perth  that day with service personnel returning  from  the  islands .

Another one of note  reported that the Minister for Defence , Mr Beasley, had stated his department was not directly concerned with the Court of Inquiry by three  generals  into Lieutenant-General Gordon Bennett's escape from Singapore. It had been ordered by the Commander-in-Chief, General Blamey.The  report  would  be  submitted  to  the  department .