Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Dangerous life  in  modern  Darwin 

The  above sign in a lift in  the Darwin CBD  warns about attack  from  Peewees. It is similar to  ones on  Magnetic Island  outside  the  Marlin Bar which alerts  patrons   about  dive-bombing Kookaburras  which snatch food  from  plates .

Little Darwin  encountered swooping  Peewees which  had  a  nest  with two chicks , below ,  on   the   fourth floor  of   an  hotel  overlooking the harbour .

The  parents  made  their  presence  evident  by swooping close by  and  screeching  as  photographs were taken of  the  nest  and  its  occupants. 

Over time, it became evident that the fledglings would soon be ready to fly . One day it  was  noticed part of  the nest  had  been  broken down , the young  ones  gone . One tyro flew back to the nest site  and was  seen flapping  its   wings   energetically .    

If the Peewees don't get you, then the many escooters, above,   and bikes  which  whip  about  the city  might  cause you  to dive into a  trench .The scooters are  popular with  all  ages .

Out on  the harbour jetskiers , in numbers  , zoom about like torpedo boats   daily  on the placid waters, in and out of  the maritime traffic .