Darwin agronomist Robert Wesley-Smith farewells a solidly built squatter's chair,made from heavy ironwood, which he has had for 28 years , given to him as a farewell present when he left the Animal Industry and Agriculture Branch . It has gone to a more muscular, younger person . On learning of its departure, one of Wes's friends said it was sad , recalling many TV dinners and hot chocolate had been consumed on the chair .
A rural reporter once visited Wes and took a snap of him in the squatter's chair .
At a time when he could not be blamed for sitting in a padded rocking chair , Wes is continuing to cull out possessions on his rural property . In the process he recently found an old suitcase filled with interesting items to sort out.
Still hanging in a spare room is his rare collection of protest T-shirts ,many connected with the East Timor struggle. Recently received was an email with newspaper stories connected with East Timor and West Papua , which have been forwarded to interested groups. A large part of his East Timor collection is in a Canadian university .