Reduced to a pile of woodchips without the local media noticing or caring , the North Queensland giant of sustainability , Billy Bombax, a kind tree with a human face , has come back to life in a variety of ways , including in the form of an artistic dung beetle.
The ball of dung, covered with wasteful old style water sprinklers, looking like Covid-19, is part of a new attraction in the Anderson Park Botanic Garden ,Townsville, which urges people to take up the giant's renewed call for sustainability. It seems the local media has not picked up the return of BB from the other side and his call to action .
Only Little Darwin covered the gradual demise of Billy Bombax who had limbs chopped off due to a raging arboreal disease and unsightly black canker of the armpit. The local media did not pick up this long - running, important story .
There obviously was not long to go when Billy lost face , above, still without local media attention . Then, without any media coverage, the environmentalist was reduced to woodchips, lucky not to be shipped off to Japan and turned into toilet paper.
Today the Giant's Garden in the park , part of which is seen below, includes the dung beetle and a variety of tips on how to go easy on the planet .