Monday, April 29, 2019


It is  a  surprise  to  discover  that  the  long  gone and not lamented  Queensland  premier  Joh Bjelke-Petersen  inspired  Thomas  Shapcott  to  write a  three  part   poem  in  the  above 1983 collection published by  the University of Queensland  Press .  Upon  reading , however,  there  is  a  strong    message ,  applicable  to  Queensland  ,  politics  today and  hot  election issues .

Headed  IN THE SYSTEM ,  it  quotes  Bjelke -Petersen , "These subversives , these  Friends  Of   The Dirt . "   A statement  Joh may have made feeding " his  chooks"- the local media . It is taken to mean   he  was  obviously dismissing  people  who  opposed  certain   projects  as  subversives .  It opens  by  explaining the  brigade   who   support  open   slather .

The Enemies Of  The  Dirt might dabble
 in  Real Estate with a nod  to the Local Council
but  they 'd swallow  a  rainforest before breakfast
and  are planning to skillet the Barrier Reef
that is , after the hard work of quarrying
has been dealt with in the telex room .
The next part is headed  "The Joyner Act ": A Queensland  Text.  

In this  , Shapcott  refers to   Joh's  friend   , Rona  Jayner ,  founder of the Society to  Outlaw  Pornography (STOP), who circulated a list of  more than 130 books  said to  corrupt  readers, which  should  be  burned . The list was  submitted to the Queensland Education Department  and published in the Queensland  University independent  student newspaper  Semper Floreat  headed  , RONA'S DEATH LIST: BURN A  BOOK A DAY .    

Shapcott  gives notice that  it  is hereby declared that  under the  Rona Joyner Act possession of any book, artefact  or  printing contrary  to Revealed Truth constitutes an infringement of law.  Already  libraries of  leading dissident  religious bodies -those of  Catholic and  Anglican Archbishops-have been confiscated.  Teachers found in possession of such literature will be deprived of  super, holiday entitlements and long service leave - resulting  in  a great saving to the electorate .  The Premier assures law and order will be upheld vigorously . His police  have  the  matter  under  control .
Advice to a  Politician ( in  Queensland  during Joh's reign, but  applicable today  on  the  national  front  ).
This  part  advises  that  a politician should not answer  questions (sounds like the ScoMo style) , ask them . It  is  good to  have an  Enemy  . If  unable to find an enemy of the people-ScoMo  repeatedly nominates  Bill  and calls  him a liar  - find one who is an Enemy of the Law  , change the law . There is a lot of prejudice  out  there to be harvested .  Hitler  and Mussolini  showed the voting power of prejudice . This  is a wealthy place, waiting to be exploited , slip through an amendment  to the Companies Act  and use nominees. Brazen it out , justify nothing ...  
People who live by the open sewer
forget it was once a shaded creek .
People who drive the bare road between Bulimba  and the airport
forget it was  once shade  forest.
People who live in development  brick- veneer  bungalows
have forgotten whatever was  once meant by  words like " community".      
You will go far -taking us  all  with you .
Born in Ipswich, Queensland, Shapcott, now  84 if still kicking  ,  went to Queensland University , became an accountant , had a distinguished literary  career , receiving a  Churchill Fellowship and the Canada-Australia Literary Prize   ; published  a children's novel , major anthologies  and   wrote a monograph on  artist  Charles  Blackman .The dustjacket  blurb  says he is a  librettist who collaborated with composer  Colin Brumby in  more  than  a  dozen  works.