Thursday, July 12, 2018


S(h)ipping  Reporter's  latest  top secret signal  sent   to  Admiral Harry  Harris  about  Townsville's  neglect  of  war  memorials , inertia .
Admiral Harris : Realise you  are  busy helping Donald Trump sort out the  North Korean  nuclear  imbroglio , but    the  continuing neglect of  the Victory in the Pacific Memorial  fountain , the Battle for the  Coral  Sea  memorial  and the North Queensland  WWll memorial garden   plaques    requires  your  immediate  attention .  Civic, military groups and torpedoed   local  media  unable to  resolve  the  issue.
The waterfront roundsman , the only one  north   of  County  Bondi , inspected  all  three   sites  during the  week  and  found the situation had not changed . The Victory in the  Pacific  fountain  could   hardly raise a  bubble in the bottom chamber . It is a shame that  those  gun  mechanics  from   the  V8  Supercars  were  not asked to  service  the  fountain and  get  it jetting  like ones  in  the  Palace  of  Versailles.

Apart  from  leaves scattered about the Battle for the Coral Sea memorial  , of significance  to   Admiral  Harris because his  father  was  on  the  carrier  USS   Lexington  , there were many ground in   parts   of  seedpods in the surrounds , the lettering   faded.  At the nearby fountain   marking  Queensland's break   away from  New South Wales , while  actually  working , it  seemed  to  have more   tiles  missing...possibly due to New South Welshman making off with souvenirs  ? There were also  leaves  in   the   pool .