A visitor about to leave Magnetic Island and fly to the Northern Territory received an unexpected farewell at the ferry terminal - a slap in the face . As he walked along the terminal promenade, wind caused the above Welcome to Magnetic Island banners to suddenly fly up and smack him in the face . Apparently not all the many panels were secured top and bottom by ties in the first place . As a result , a gust of wind results in many of them flying up to reveal the island eyesore hole hidden by the screen recently installed by the Townsville City Council with some media coverage . Each panel is on strong fabric which carries considerable force when flapping about . An inspection of the site today revealed that some ties had broken , some eyelets torn out . It is thought that in a strong storm and cyclonic winds the rusting barricades to which they are attached could themselves be pulled over or dislodged . Situation requires prompt attention to avert possible injury.