Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Looking in need of Maundy Money from  Her Majesty for a  Spring  nip and  tuck , this old Turkey with a wonky foot  ruffles  its scruffy feathers in an aviary in Townsville's Queen's Gardens . Originally part of   a   100 acre  botanical park started  in the 1870s, there were 100,000 American soldiers based  there  in  WWll.  Early exotic plantings  included an  acre of  grape vines . Now reduced to 10 acres-four hectares - the  highly popular  park   is  currently  the  venue  for  Shakespeare  under the stars-Romeo and  Juliet .The  Turkey  may  play  poor Yorick  in  an extended  season .   
A view from  the gardens  to Castle  Hill.