Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Readers  of  are  located  in  far-flung parts  of the  globe.   In  the  case of  veteran  journalist  followers  , it  is  known that  some of  them have  been flung out  of  pubs, political meetings  and  gay and  hearties, one  even  ejected  from  Fiji  .   Another  , now  residing in  Manhattan ,  claims  he accidently   tripped  outside  a  Sydney casino  after   his  birthday party.   A   majority of our   readers  are  in  America  . Strangely , our  audience   has taken a  sudden  jump in  Russia and  the  Ukraine . There are  readers  in  the  possibly soon to be dismantled UK,   France, Germany, Poland , China , India .

 We were recently delighted to  receive an email from a  knowledgeable  Australian woman  residing  in  New  York  who alerted  Cyclops   to  the  possible  reason  for  the  constant  disappearance of  new  growth  on   a pruned  back  large  mango tree.  In doing so, she  has   saved  possums  from   being  placed  on  death  row , clubbed , belted  with a broom,  hit with  a thong , deported to New Zealand . She  had  read  in   the  Diary of a  Curlew Carer   how  marauding  possums  at  night   were  thought responsible  for  every piece  of  new mango tree growth   suddenly disappearing.  Not so , she  opined , and even provided a  Northern  Territory  booklet  about  mango  growing  which  lists  chomping  culprits, ranging from borers to  ants .

On  checking  the  bona  fides of our informant , we  discovered  that  she has an interesting background . Once deeply  involved  with  the ALP  in Canberra, she also  worked on  prawn   boats out  of   Darwin. In   the  Big  Apple,   she undoubtedly throws  a shrimp  on  the barbie,slices up a Bowen mango   and  feels  a  bit  homesick.   Thanks  for  the  advice  . The mango tree  is about  to  be  checked  and doctored .