Wednesday, September 7, 2011


A prime area of Darwin is the centre of uproar involving well known people and the media seems unaware . It is understood there is a dispute over a boundary which has resulted in a legal demand for a cool one million bucks. Another person is said not to be concerned that a metre of his property somehow got chopped off , perhaps due to the chaos after Cyclone Tracy . There are claims that loud music has been deliberately played on an excavation site to upset nearby residents who objected to the project plans . Powdery soil has been blown over nearby houses . Trees were knocked down on a nature strip and the Darwin City Council , apparently not happy, did nothing . In addition, a mild mannered real estate agent driving through the area in his pith helmet was shocked to see a group of men mooning from atop a building . The same bare-arsed brigade rejoice in playing loud music, boozing, swearing and have even been seen sliding down ladders in wheelie bins ! All this in one of the choicest areas of Darwin.