Friday, January 23, 2009


Aborigines have over the years been described as primitive, living remnants of the Stone Age and incapable of coping with modern civilization . Yet it seems they were nuclear scientists, probably carried out hydrogen bomb tests at Kakadu and composed the Chooky Dancers’ hit song , Mellow Yellow , long before Westerners climbed out of the bogs. How come ? According to the NT News obituary for former politician , Joe Fisher , he was a pioneer miner who “ found yellow cake in the South Alligator River Valley”.
This is an astounding revelation which has stunned anthropologists, scientists and archaeologists. Yellow cake is the product of uranium mining , so Territory Aborigines obviously split the atom aeons ago, taught Lord Rutherford all he knew about radioactivity and Darwin is sitting on an Aboriginal nuclear waste dump. Few people are aware that Aborigines set up a top secret anti-missile missile base at the dawn of time on Kwajalein Island in the South Pacific at which they developed the boomerang. Genial Joe actually found uranium ore deposits . May he be irradiated in peace.