Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Now nearly as  popular  and  certainly  more  handsome  than  Johnny Depp, Magnetic Island's  famous  cheese  eating  Coucal , Dracula, has  a  new  pastime...sunbathing . He regularly  bares  his  body  to  the  noonday sun  next to  the  egg of  an  extinct  giant  Kiwi Moa, above, in   a  specially cleared  section  of  garden  at  the Queen of  the  Jungle's residence .

The  said  Germanic   Queen , much more  mobile  after  a  knee operation, set out  to clear  an overgrown area   in  which there are numerous odds  and  ends , a  rhino , an  emu  ,  pot  plants.  Dracula   took  an active part in the landscaping, darting  in  and  out  from  under  her  feet  to  nab  insects .
Old newspapers were  laid  down to  stop  weeds  growing   along a  mysterious , meandering  Black  Forest like  path . In the  process , the  paper layer  has  attracted  many  and varied  insects. Dracula  is regularly seen   reading  the   papers , studying  the stock market , pausing  to   munch   the  scurrying  critters  in  the mosh pit  under the  pages .

The Queen's new  upgraded  area, too late for the Chelsea Floral and Garden Show competition ,  has  become  one of  his  most  popular  haunts .   Often  he  is seen   sunning himself  in the rocks , revealing  his  odd  back , which looks surprisingly  like  a mangy Depp  dog , perhaps  even  an  unwashed  pirate's  armpit. The  Wow Wearable Art  crowd   from  New Zealand , see post below,  is  already offering  to sign  up  Dracula in a deal said to involve big  bickies  and  lots  of  Dutch  Edam   cheese.