Every pub in Australia has a resident bush lawyer who regularly holds court , proffering dubious advice on legal matters over a foaming pot. In Townsville , North Queensland , a whopping big sign for the legal firm Kemp Law has gone up over part of the Herbert Hotel in the CBD, dwarfing the grog signs, establishing a precedent ? Our shipping reporter spotted the sign while doing a pub crawl on his blog expense account, soon to be adjusted downwards, which explains why the photo is slightly out of focus. A growth industry in Townsville seems to be the legal profession , with listings filling seven pages in the phone directory.
One firm , LHD Lawyers, has been running regular advertisements in the paper ; smiling lawyers not in need of dental care often pop up on commercial TV. A sign has gone up not far from the renovated Cowboys headquarters in Flinders Street announcing another longtime firm will soon be moving in .