Monday, January 5, 2015


CANBERRA : The Liberal Party has been shaken to its very foundations due to the dire prediction by refined  former First Lady ,Tamie Fraser, that the popularity  poll  ratings  of  PM Tony Abbott  will  soon plunge lower than the duodenum on her pet python, Percy. The shock statement caused the Coalition Think Tank to call an emergency meeting in the  Funk  Bunker to  dream up ways to  get  Percy pointing skywards . This  serious situation is further   proof that PM Abbott , described  as  toxic to the outcome of  the  Victorian election  and now revealed as  playing no part in the sneaky Queensland  election , is regarded as like clutching a viper to  your  bossom  on the  campaign  trail, and that  Tamie  is  spot  on .

Queensland reptile soon to  launch itself into  attack .