Thursday, October 25, 2012


 * Modest  Eve's   figleaf  blown away  in  extensive  parliament house    beautification   makeover. 

The winds of change were evident when Little Darwin visited parliament for the first time under the new CLP regime. A female armed with a leaf blower was removing detritus- old ciggies, bottle tops, drinking  straws,  invading South Australian millipedes, space junk from out  the front and side of  the gleaming white building , the flags hanging limply, waiting for a  burst of windy weather.  Inside waves  were   breaking  out all over the chamber–the pollies were waving  madly at  schoolchildren in the public gallery, normally vacated by other members of the public when the kinders  pour in. An Assembly staff member was   seen  waving  his tie at somebody in the  gallery early in the proceedings .    An attendant informed me to make sure my mobile was turned off  and that no photographs could be taken.

That’s a shame because I would have liked to have taken a pic of the flower displays in the centre of the room to have them checked by Arnhem Nursery as I am sure they were not all Australian natives , if any. Due to  failing  eyesight, some looked  suspiciously like South African  proteas.

Sitting like a lonely little petunia in an onion patch at the back of the Opposition side was former Chief Minister Paul Henderson . Throughout question time he poured himself many glasses of water from his jug, fiddled with his biro, tugged at his ear , ran a finger underneath his snozzle , patted his receding hair, occasionally wrote on the one  piece of paper in front of him.  Having gone from the status of a rooster ruling the roost ( admittedly with the help of Chicken Man ) to a feather duster , Henderson was deridingly  called yesterday’s man , no longer listened to by anyone from his backbench position. There were more non points of order raised by Opposition than  spots in the  current measles outbreak in the NT. As usual , Kon Vatskalis   asked a question which was  hard to understand over the PA.

Proceedings were interrupted so that the House could walk across to Government House for tea and sympathy. Unfortunately, the killer plovers were not in residence on the lawn outside the Wedding Cake , so nobody was dive bombed like February 19, l942. Readers will recall that aggressive plovers took a dislike to former Labor Minister Rob Knight , re-routed at the last election, or he would use the annoying American pronunciation, re-rowted . Little Darwin had a quick chat with Alison Anderson as she  headed  towards Government House ; Alison proudly claimed  that now that she is  a minister in the CLP government , she is  the only person since Winston Churchill who has  held a ministry on both sides of  parliament . I suppose this entitles here to give the two finger V for victory sign that made Winston famous. It is sincerely hoped that she does not take up smoking cigars as did Winnie the War Winner .

Even though Henderson was on the backbench in parliament, he was up front with the now party  leader, Delia Lawrie , and Kon Vaskalis , as they  marched down the driveway at  Government House , the surroundings as pretty as a picture postcard, a veritable Garden of  Eden .