Sunday, March 8, 2009


The leadership hiatus in the Liberals is fast becoming a mirror image of the rib tickling Caddyshack movie . Film fans will recall much of the action centres around the destructive dancing gopher at the blueblood Bushwood Country Club .

Demented Bill Murray is instructed to get rid of the gopher, but the critter refuses to go away, just like a certain backbencher who has the facial expressions of the troublesome rodent in the film. Snobbish Judge Smails , who bears a striking resemblance to a politician who cannot be named because of defamation laws , is plotting while pretending to be dignified. As ambitious as the leading caddy in the film, is another Canberra player who wants some of the crumbs from the born to rule pack banquet table.

Then there is Malcolm Turnbull who is regarded by some old dyed in the wool Liberals as a brash outsider , like that uncouth, loud- mouthed , farting real estate developer , Al Czervik at the Bushwood Country Club, whose wayward ball strikes Judge Smails in the testicles . Other negatives are that he is a republican , owns photogenic dogs , and can deliver some great verbal broadsides- at his own crew in the locker room .

The poster for the l980 movie was headed SOME PEOPLE JUST DON’T BELONG . In the case of the Liberal leadership, they sure don’t . Nelson did not. Malcolm is too bright , has a big picture view and experience of the world , and will tire of the internal bickering in the Country Club. Heaven only knows what will happen when a disgusting object in the shape of a leadership challenge is seen floating in
Lake Burley Griffin during the Coalition annual picnic . As Chevy Chase said, tight zippers .