Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Unique  political  volume  discovered 
Cyclops, our one eyed political reporter , claims a  left wing  guiding  angel  directed him  to a  North Queensland op shop   in which he found  the  l981   memoirs  of  B. A. Santamaria, a  controversial   figure  in  Australian politics  for  more than 40 years . An ex libris  copy, it contained  the  label off  a  tin of  Norwegian sardines  in the  pocket  which had  obviously  been used  as a  bookmark . Stuck inside was  a  handwritten   note  commenting on  the book  and the   part played by Santamaria  in organising   the  "Movement " , backed by the  Catholic  hierarchy ,   to   fight   the    Communist influence in  unions and  branches of  the   Australian  Labor  Party , with   reference   to his regular   television broadcast ,  Point of View ,   delivered   in  the   l970s .
In the foreword, renowned  English journalist Malcolm Muggeridge spoke fondly of Santamaria,who had come to Australia with his family from  Italy ,  saying he first met him in Melbourne during the tumultuous events associated with the Labor split of the l950s.
Santamaria had taken him to meet his " hero and mentor " Archbishop Mannix , then nearly 100.

 Of  this  impressive   Santamaria ,   Muggeridge   went on  to  say , " Hidden within  his   severely realistic temperament and mastery of Machiavellian strategy and tactics, there is a seer, someone who understands , and who, whatever his circumstances,would never have satisfied himself with any purely worldly achievement , whether in politics , scholarship , money-making or  whatever."