Tuesday, July 16, 2019


What makes  so many  Coalition  politicians  and  right wing commentators  grimace, snarl and  glare  when  they appear on  television?  Some look as if  they have  prickly  pear  ,  a sprig  of  Paterson's Curse , even a deadly  Blue-ringed Octopus  in  their  unmentionables . This applies  particularly to  those  from  Queensland, one    bellowing   fellow , a  Sky regular , pulls more facial contortions  than  the circus   performer  with  a  thousand  rubber  faces .
Mind you, he does  have strong competition from  another  babbling   Bananalander who  gets   much media  coverage , like so  many others, simply because  he    can be  guaranteed    to   perform  some kind  of  twitching   act  for the camera or  make oddball and  extreme  statements .
There  could  be  an answer to the  opening question  in this post  in   the actions  of feisty  Kezia  PurickIndependent Speaker  of the Northern  Territory  Legislative  Assembly, Darwin .
In a memorable moment , she  threatened to castrate   Coalition  Minister Kevin  Andrews,MHR for Menzies  if  he returned  to the Top  End and repeated  derogatory  remarks about people in de facto  relationships . Andrews , who has  remarkable black hair , said de facto  couples have less stable  relationships   than  married people .

Ms. Purick , capable of  dealing   with   large  snakes  which invade her  rural  property , responded  furiously  on  Facebook : " Listen  here you  pooncey, pasty faced   person  from some pissant  place that no one  cares about , half of my electorate  are probably in  de facto relationships and they are happy, normal  living people who do their very   best   for   their families  and their  communities ."

She told him to go away ,and if he ever came  to the rural area  and tried    tell people how to live , there were  "three words  for you, green rubber ring . "  This  was  a reference to a  way of   removing  testicles  from   animals .

One of  Kevin's   locks  reportedly   turned   white on  reading this  painful threat , his   voice  also  rose  an  octave .

Just recently,   Kezia   invoked   the  threat of  castration  on another Coalition    Federal MP , Matt  Canavan , Minister for Northern  Australia . A politician who knows much about the subject of castration, former  Deputy PM   Barnaby  Joyce,  said his  buddy,  Matt Canavan  ,then  under the threat of having his political career  cut  short  because of   the  citizenship   stuff up  which suggested he could be  declared  an Italian  , possibly   related to the Barber of Seville ,was  the  brightest   pollie   in  the  entire   Canberra   top  paddock .
Kezie came out  slashing  after  Labor MLA  Kate Worden criticised   Senator Canavan, of Rockhampton , for comments he made during an ABC Darwin  interview on  euthanasia  reform. ( Way  back  the  Northern Territory  passed a   euthanasia  bill  but  it  was   rejected by  Canberra    and it has been a bone of contention  ever since .)

 Kezia  advised Worden, obviously not from a rural background ,   there were  three  words   to say to   Canavan   over his    euthanasia   comments ,"green rubber ring. "Worden did not understand the meaning  of  this  advice.
So Kezia  responded : " Kate, Kate,Kate...tiny green rubber ring used via a reversible set of  pliers to surround  a male lamb or kid's testicles to cut off the bloody supply  so that they eventually drop off- AKA castration!" 
The penny and testicles having dropped,giggling Ms. Worden responded thus : " Kezia,  you  are a  crack up ! My  mind  was  on  politics , not animal husbandry."