Sunday, January 28, 2024


 Australia's best  known dung beetle, Doug, above, surrounded by  debris from Cyclone Kirrily, in  Townsville's  Anderson  Park Botanic Gardens  .

In an exclusive inteview , Doug told  a  Little Darwin  reporter  he nearly lost his grip on the giant  ball of  dung during the  cyclone and it could have careered through the Queen city of  the North , growing in size ,splatteriing everything  in  its  path.  

Our reporter and his carer were forced to terminate  the  interview  because of the many mosquitoes  , which users of  the  popular park  will have to guard against  to  avoid  Ross River  and  Dengue  Fever. 

A tour of the area  revealed many trees down and  several  reduced to a stump, like   the  one  above.. 
(Spoof,dung, Doug)