Sunday, April 30, 2023


Two crocodiles have been trapped recently at  Harney Beach ,  across  from   Darwin ,  named  after  author and  bushman  Bill Harney. The most recent one was a 3metre  female  ; three  weeks ago ,  a   4metre  male  was   caught  by  rangers .  After retiring from the Native Affairs Branch in l947 , Harney built  himself  a  hut   at  Darwin's  Two  Fellah Creek . 

Sucker watch  by  Vallis .

Fishermen on   the   Picnic Bay   Jetty , Magnetic  Island , above ,   have  been  catching  numbers  of  eel-like Remora ,  called  suckerfish ,  which  attach   themselved  to   sharks ,  whales,  turtles  and  rays   and   go  along  for   the   wild   ride .