One of our Darwin contacts alerted this blog to the fact that there was a garage sale over Easter which could have been held by or connected in some way to Dr Philip Nitschke , 75, the founder and director of the pro-euthanasia organisation , Exit International .
The address was Henning Road ,Coolalinga ,offering workshop and tools , with the added advice that the owner ,Nitschke , was leaving after 30 years ,
The Catholic Leader website on August 2,2019 , carried a lead story by Mark Bowling who wrote that in 1996 Dr Nitschke tinkered in his Coolalinga shed , just outside Darwin, working on a "customised contraption" which would become known as "the death machine"-pictured below.
On the strength of this , it was highly likely that there was indeed a connection between the sale and Dr Nitschke who campaigned successfully to have a legal euthanasia law passed in the Territory , which was over- ruled by Canberra.
The subject of much media attention and regularly harassed by authorities , he was the first doctor in the world to administer a legal , voluntary injection.
Apart from being dubbed Dr Death , he was also called The Elon Musk of Assisted Suicide .
He is holding a workshop in Darwin on the 14th and another in Sydney on April 22.
An Australian humanist , Philip Nitschke, who lived in Holland at one stage , wrote several books and one wonders if there were any books and ephemera in the sale , bits and pieces of the death machine . Apparently the local media did not pick up the garage sale notice and its possible significance , which indicates it needs a jab in the arm with a needle filled with a strong stimulant .