Sunday, December 25, 2022


While  lurking  about Townsville on  Christmas  Day , one of our correspondents   had  no sooner   taken  this  snap  of   a   large  Santa   on  the roof of  a  house in  Mundingburra  than there was   a  loud  , single   boom  explosion ,  not  far  away  , for which  there  has   apparently  been  no  explanation.   

Earlier on , he had photographed the   very high  tide   at   the main small   boat ramp  .  It  was  so  high  that  passengers  boarding   the   ferry  on  Magnetic Island- a number of them obviouly not in training for the  upcoming Brisbane Olympics- were  warned   they  would encounter   a  steep  ramp  off   the  top deck  at  the  Townsville  terminal , so  they might want to ride on the lower  deck .

From Darwin , in the Northern Territory , we received  a  report that  a  crowd  at   Nightcliff  wharf  watched  the  exceptionally  high  tide  swirling  along  the  waterfront .