Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 Nicknamed the  Cranky Currawong ,the  orphaned   young  bird  shown here  "escaped from a  carer " , just  flew in and  took over the  Queen of the Jungle's  welcoming  wildlife  estate . It  demands   to  be  fed , drives   other  birds   away .

The bird seems to have an insatiable   appetitite . It knocks at the Queen's bedroom window  demanding to be  fed , lands on her shoulder seeking tucker, pecks  at  anything  that looks edible  on  back  verandah tables , leaving  a  trail  of  upturned   objects . 

A young Crow which called in  expecting to  get  a  takeaway  at the royal estate  was  pecked by the  bossy  Currawong and told to buzz off.   The same   treatment  was  given a   young  Friarbird  .

The Currawong was not  quite sure  how to handle a Kookaburra   which regularly  visits   and  is  fed  by  the  Queen , so  just  sat  glaring  at  it .  

Recently, the Queen nursed a  Friarbird  which had  fallen out of a nest. It  eventually flew away, landed on the head  of a  surprised pedestrian   walking  in  the street  , and   was  handed  to  another  island    wildlife  carer.  After   being  well  looked  after, it  was  released  with  another  bird .