Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 Looking increasingly  as  if  he  needs  to go into  dry dock   for a  scrape   and a  coating  of  anti-foul instead of  prowling  about   the  waterfront  frightening  power-walkers, our scruffy  Shipping Reporter  has been  haunting  op shops and other  joints  in search of   nautical  flotsam and  jetsam.

In a  dump  shop near the endangered  Great Barrier Reef  he  let out a  scream  of delight  and  a salty oath  when he  came to grips with  the  Kraken from  Shaun  Micallef's  Mad  As  Hell   ABC satirical   show, the monster shown below plotting with the  Australian Navy  to  attack  Chinese spy ships.

Actually,  it  was a  battered and tattered  1964  reprint   of  John Wyndham's science fiction novel, The Kraken Wakes , from the  Castlemaine   High   School Library .

From the same  dump shop , he found   the  scuffed following  Australian   volume  with tips  about  bumming your way el cheapo    aboard   container ships - not  those  huge luxury  cruise liners, like the Ruby Princess , many  of  which  are   being  scrapped due  to  the  pandemic .