Sunday, March 15, 2020


War of the Worlds looming ?

Just when  a few brave people thought it was safe to venture outside their claustrophobic, toilet paper  crammed  homes ,  mysterious  objects , one pictured below ,  seemingly from   outer space- like dreaded  killer Triffids- have been popping  up  throughout North Australia , frightening  the  bejesus  out  of  the  spooked   populace .
In an attempt to placate the nation ,   Costa , the  friendly  garden gnome impersonator  presenter of  the popular  ABC's Gardening  Australia ,  declared the  frightening  shapes  are  just harmless Fairy Rings  formed by  fungi after rain  and  humidity.

This  highly dubious explanation  resulted in  the  sale   of  Lady  Scott  tissues ,widely used aboard Noah's Ark,  rocketing  and  the  bottom  falling  out  of  Wall  Street  yet  again . 

Thank  God  for   social media  experts  who scoffed  at  Costa and  other  similar  Greenies  up to their armpits in mulch and worm tubes .   Over and over ,  the  social media  authorities  stated  the so-called  Fairy Rings  are  indeed  life  threatening  aliens.

The original  invading  virus, from Uranus , they scientifically explained  , mixed  and   mutated  with a  hessian sack  which  belonged  to  shockjock  Alan Jones, the unwashed hands of  Andrew Bolt and  Gerard  Henderson ,  plus the scrapings of  an  open  air  female  change room at  the  back of  a Wagga Wagga two-up school  and  a bin of  reject  CWA   lamingtons . 

A deceptively  harmless looking   Fairy Ring , below , was  found in the centre  of  the ground after  the rugby league match between  the Cowboys and  the Broncos  in  the brand  new Townsville  stadium , the  aliens responsible for the latte  sipping  southerners  unfairly  winning  the  game .