Saturday, March 14, 2020


World  Exclusive : Definitely  not  fake news
WASHINGTON: President Trump , wearing a  rusty, lucky  Marlboro Country horseshoe , is shown here  after  undergoing  an overnight world  first medical operation  which  resulted  in Wall Street making   record  gains .

 The delicate operation  involved removing his  peanut  sized  grey matter and replacing  it with the  brain of  Nobel prize winner Albert Einstein .

In an exclusive  interview   with the  head of  the medical team which carried out the   10 hour  procedure , Little Darwin  was informed  President Trump had been  conscious throughout ,whistling Dixie , even when  his brain was  removed .

Unfortunately, much of  his  distinctive  scarecrow  wig  was  removed in the op ,  leaving  him with  an  orange    kiss  curl  on top .

Even though feeling  exhausted   after  the historic operation during which he also set a new   world  record   for  the  longest   whistling  of  Dixie , President  Trump  held a short  media  conference   in  the poorly kept  White House Rose Garden . 

He was  surrounded  by  the   latest  batch of  top  officials  that  replaced  the  think  tank  team  he  recently  sacked.
Donald is shown mounted  on  the same  pickle jar in which the  brain of  Albert  Eistein  had been kept .  In his  first public  statement  to the world  after the  operation,  he  announced  he intends  growing  a moustache like  Einsein . Then  he  profoundly  announced  that  everything  is  relative , even  his relatives.
America, he guaranteed, would not be  sucked down a cosmic black hole .It would   experience  a  fantastic  J-curve  recovery  in the economy , he added.  Obviously influenced by chloroform , he muttered  that  he  intended flying  to  the  moon  in a  bedpan . Keepers ushered him off  the stage after  this puzzling statement .  Further progress  photographs will be  published as  the  president fully  recovers.