Saturday, March 8, 2025


Shipping  Reporter  spots souvenir  of the   1913 arrival in Sydney Harbour  for the first time of the Australian Navy Fleet  consisting  of  the battle cruisers  Australia, Melbourne and Sydney , the protected cruiser  Encounter and  torpedo- boat destroyers  Parramatta,Yarra and Warrego. 

Printed on four sides, the  souvenir contains details of the warships  and   is in the  Douglas Stewart Fine Book, Melbourne,  list  for  $330.  

(Navy. First. Souvenir.)


Townsville by Aeronautical  Correspondent  Abra. 

(Clouds. Townsville. Abra.)

Friday, March 7, 2025


Magnetic Island  public  notice board sign  for  La La Land  Designs ,which also ran workshops for children and adults, shell art jewellery one of the courses. 

(Island. Lifestyle.Shells.)

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Townsville . Photo by Aeronautical Correspondent  Abra.

(Rocks. Townsville. Abra.)



(Butterflies. Mundingburra. Vallis.)

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Gift wrapped and  sent to us by Petros. 



Published in London in  1889 , the above book  was a  utopian novel set in the  future - the year  2000- in which women largely achieve  social  equity  and  political  suffrage , occupy positions of authority.  Needless to say ,the book has been  described  as  a remarkably prescient one for its time.

It was written by  Sir Julius  Vogel ( 1835-1899) ,  a liberal-minded  New Zealand  statesman , who championed women's rights  and  in l887   introduced  the  first women's Suffrage Bill  to Parliament .

 In 1893 New Zealand became  the  first nation in the world  to grant voting rights  to  women.   

Anno Domini 2000 ; or Woman's destiny, which   influenced the cause, first  came out in a colonial edition of  2000 ,followed soon  after  by a British issue of  l500.

The story follows the fortunes of its female protagonist, young New Zealand woman Hilda Fitzherbert, Undersecretary for Home Affairs in the Imperial Federation (an imagined version of the British Empire in the year 2000); her nemesis is  the Australian  republican  arch-villain, Sir Reginald Paramatta.

From a London Jewish family, Vogel studied chemistry  and metallurgy at the Royal School of Mines  and emigrated to Australia in l852 during the goldrush ,where  he  worked  as an editor on several goldfield newspapers. 

He moved to New Zealand in l861, started a newspaper , got involved in politics and  served as  premier of NZ in 1873-5. During his political career he also  worked  for reconcilation with  the Maori people.

The  book is  in the latest  list from Douglas Stewart Fine Books ,Melbourne, for $1000 .  There is  an owner  inscription of Melbourne bibliophile Herbert  George Fricker (1887-1951).  



Townsville by Aeronautical Correspondent Abra. 

(Townsville . Morning. Abra.)

Monday, March 3, 2025


 The  hand-coloured aquatint  frontispiece  in  the  1825  book, The Voyager's companion, or shell collector's guide, by British mineralogist  John Mawe (1764-1829), from  the Douglas Stewart  Fine Books , Melbourne, latest  acquisitions  list, $4500. One  bird  is  clearly  a  noisy  Australian Cockatoo , another  could  be  a  Rosella.

Information supplied by the bookshop  says the book was the first guide to shell collecting , with the  earliest  direct  references  to  New Holland and the South Seas.

Also included  were instructions not only on how to find shells but  how to preserve skins of animals and best methods for collecting  insects  and  anything  else of  interest  in  distant  voyages. 

The first unillustrated edition  was  printed and sold by  the author  in 1804 , only one surviving copy known to exist, in the  NSW State Library , published under the title  A short treatise addressed to gentlemen  visiting the South Seas  and all foreign countries : more particularly  to Commanders , and  captains of ships and gentlemen residing on shore with a view to encourage  the collecting of  natural history . 

Mawe had an early naval career  and  as a major  dealer in minerals  travelled to  the  gold and diamond  districts  of  Brazil  about which he wrote an extensive book, a  great  read ,  a new edition  published in 1812 .

The book is available on the  Darwin Online website , part of  the Beagle Library project supported by a Singapore Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 1 grant, Charles Darwin University and the Charles Darwin University Foundation, Northern Territory, Australia.

Mawe's  interest in  conchology   became such that he bought for a  large sum  the  collection of  Betsy  Bligh , widow  of   Captain William Bligh of  the  Bounty , who  brought back  shells for  her  from  his voyages.

The preface to a catalogue  for the proposed  auction of  the  Bligh shell  collection read  : " To any voyager fond of this beautiful branch of Natural History, or to any collector resident on  their shores , the South Seas offer a fine harvest ; but the late Admiral Bligh had, from the situations in which his professional eminence placed him , the best opportunities of procuring whatever was  most valuable and  rare, from  a  field proverbially rich." 

The  above rare  offering is  an 1825  fourth edition , ex the USA  Library of Congress, which includes  illustrations of shells  and fauna found in the farthest parts of the world, including the South Seas, with shells of the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii), the Marquesas and Society Islands, Otaheite and New Zealand all discussed in the text. 

The  illustration  at  the top is  thought to have been drawn by Sarah Mawe, who became known as MIneralogist to Her  Majesty  after  the  death  of  her  husband.    

The collecting of shells in New Holland is discussed across three pages: ‘Van Diemen’s Land  (Tasmania) offers a vast field to the naturalist, particularly to the conchologist, zoologist and entomologist, who would be amply remunerated for whatever they might collect … ‘; there is further discussion of rare shells found  by  two  boys on  a  whaling  ship  in  Western Port.

(Pacific . Collecting . Shells. )


 Hungry  grasshoppers  looking  for  tucker.  

Vallis pix.

(Grasshoppers. Feeding. Mundingburra.)

Sunday, March 2, 2025


The  discovery of  two  engraved  military  serving  trays  led to  extensive ,  graphic war  details  and  an  unusual  account  of  living  with   Aborigines   in   Alice  Springs  in  the  early  l950s.   

One  tray  was  presented  to  Sgt  Jenkin  and Family , with best wishes for the future, from the Gallipoli Coy. The other , pictured , Ranleigh silverware, was given to WO2 (Warrant Officer)   D.K.Jenkin from the Sergeants Mess at  UN. Coy.  UNSWR  ( the University of  New South Wales Regiment ) ,  Duntroon Military College, Canberra.

Gallipoli  Company was the first one turned  out by  Duntroon , other battle related ones were  named Alamein, Kokoda , Kapyong, Long Tan, Romani another . 

It  seems  the late   Daryl  Kenneth   Jenkin  , listed in Townsville's  North Queensland   Garden of  Remembrance ,  was  the recipient of one, if  not both trays ; a  grandfather  had  been  gassed  in  WW1.

Billed as  Platoon Sergeant, ll Platoon D Company 4RAR , South Vietnam 1971- l972, Jenkin  was  interviewed  in   August  2004   for  the   University of New South Wales  Australians  At  War  Film  archive, which can be downloaded. 

In it , he  said he had been born in  Adelaide in  1945 and  as  a young boy had been taken to the  Northern Territory by his parents , his father in the Department of Civil Aviation, where  they  lived out of  Alice Springs , later in  Darwin.

He and his brother  had a  close relationship  with  Aborigines - ran about barefoooted with them in the Centre  , involved in their  games, Sunshine  powdered milk cans  turned  into  toys,  food  , hunting ,  encountering  ones   who  came  in  from  out  bush  who  could not  speak  English.

On his l8th birthday,  Jenkin joined the  Army , serving  with 3RAR and then 4RAR. He took part in the  Indonesian Confrontation with Malaysia ,serving  in  Singapore, Kuching, Borneo  and  Sarawak.

He was mentioned in dispatches  in the Vietnam War . His taped interview  provides   detailed  information about the  conflicts, especially the  Vietnam War . His military service included   a   posting  to  the Royal  Military College, Duntroon, for three years.

He was discharged as a warrant officer  in Townsville after  20 years in the Army  and  worked  in the Dog  Squad , died  2023 . 

In  following up  the Jenkin surname  a range  of  information  surfaced  about a  number of  men  with  that  name  , or  Jenkins,  and  others,  who had  performed   military  service , many  killed.  

The  Soldiers  of  Anzac Hill ,  Maldon ,Victoria .

The above online  website includes the  following emotional explanatory  introduction  about  those  included  in  the  WWl memorial  : Compiling  these notes on the first thirty-two soldiers to be commemorated in Anzac Circle, has been a joyless task.  Who would believe that from our relatively small community, there would be such a variety of men who served and died in so many different ways? 

There were three teachers, a doctor, one prisoner of war who died whilst in German hands, two light horsemen who never took their horses into battle, two soldiers who died after being in the Aegean Sea when their troopship was torpedoed, one who was accidentally shot on board ship en route to Egypt, and many, many other "ordinary" yet extraordinary soldiers who died just doing their best.

By and large, the men from Maldon who died serving their Country in World War One, were mostly young, single and keen to "do their bit". Anzac Hill is a special place where all of them can be remembered and their sacrifice recognised.

One of those  listed  , with  condensed  details ,  was Ernest Jenkin, 23, a labourer, who had  survived  Gallipoli , suffering  shock , killed  on the Western  Front  at  the Battle of  Framelles , described as   the worst 24 hours in  Australia's  history , the   AIF  suffering  more than  4000 casualties.   .

(War. Aborigines. Townsville.)


For sale items in Townsville op shop snapped by our Shipping Reporter passing  by  on  a  Chinese  junk. 

(Orient. Sale. Reporter.)

Saturday, March 1, 2025


Another  Vallis  photo  of  pet  green  ant . 

(Ant. Mundingburra. Vallis.)