Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Published in London in  1889 , the above book  was a  utopian novel set in the  future - the year  2000- in which women largely achieve  social  equity  and  political  suffrage , occupy positions of authority.  Needless to say ,the book has been  described  as  a remarkably prescient one for its time.

It was written by  Sir Julius  Vogel ( 1835-1899) ,  a liberal-minded  New Zealand  statesman , who championed women's rights  and  in l887   introduced  the  first women's Suffrage Bill  to Parliament .

 In 1893 New Zealand became  the  first nation in the world  to grant voting rights  to  women.   

Anno Domini 2000 ; or Woman's destiny, which   influenced the cause, first  came out in a colonial edition of  2000 ,followed soon  after  by a British issue of  l500.

The story follows the fortunes of its female protagonist, young New Zealand woman Hilda Fitzherbert, Undersecretary for Home Affairs in the Imperial Federation (an imagined version of the British Empire in the year 2000); her nemesis is  the Australian  republican  arch-villain, Sir Reginald Paramatta.

From a London Jewish family, Vogel studied chemistry  and metallurgy at the Royal School of Mines  and emigrated to Australia in l852 during the goldrush ,where  he  worked  as an editor on several goldfield newspapers. 

He moved to New Zealand in l861, started a newspaper , got involved in politics and  served as  premier of NZ in 1873-5. During his political career he also  worked  for reconcilation with  the Maori people.

The  book is  in the latest  list from Douglas Stewart Fine Books ,Melbourne, for $1000 .  There is  an owner  inscription of Melbourne bibliophile Herbert  George Fricker (1887-1951).  
