The greatest showman on earth , Donald Trump, has used Disneyland to defuse the possibility of a nuclear war between North Korea and America . President Trump stunned the world , the Pentagon , armchair strategists and Minnie Mouse by flying in clap happy Kim Jong-un to play the part of the Easter Bunny , above , at the White House with the firm promise that he would have permanent , top billing at Disneyland .
In an exclusive interview with this blog, President Trump said the sabre rattling of the North Korean leader is due to the fact that every day is a bad hair day for him and that he has a burning desire to visit Disneyland , romp with Bugs Bunny , ride the range like Wild Bill Hickock and fire a water pistol at the O.K. Corral .He also revealed that Kim has a strong urge to turn Disneyland into the line dancing capital of the world .
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North Korean crack line dancing team.
On being informed of these desires, the president got the Veep , Mike Pence , on a visit to the Korean DMZ, to pass a secret message, inside a fake carrot , to Kim, offering him the chance to fulfil all his weird fantasies in the US of A , if he instantly agreed to give up building nuclear missiles and turn existing rockets into Japanese scrapmetal to be made into souvenirs and medals for the looming Commonwealth Games in Queensland .
Amazingly, the offer was instantly agreed to ; Air Force One made a secret flight to America with Jong-un and his 200 strong entourage ,who clapped hysterically all the way .
President Trump confided that Kim's eldest half brother , Kim Jong-nam , recently assassinated in Malaysia , had also been fascinated by Disneyland. Indeed, it is said he failed to be appointed the leader of the nation because he was caught trying to slip into Japan on a false passport to visit Tokyo Disneyland .
Some of Kim's top military men ,the Clap-along Cassidy Cowboy Brigade, have expressed the wish to stage a busy Snowwhite and the Seven Dwarfs routine at Disneyland , where Walt will be thawed out to meet and greet the visitors...a monumental day in the history of world peace negotiations .