Wednesday, March 1, 2017


The Queen of the  Jungle was ruminating  in  the west  wing  of  her island residence  when  her thoughts  about  the  crumbling  empire and  disappearing wilderness   were  disrupted  by  the  phone ringing . As  all  the  staff  were  downstairs , no doubt  secretly  getting  into  the   gin and  caviar ,   she  was  forced  to  answer  the  phone  herself.

Hello . No  answer . Probably  Mumbai , she  thought , but to make  sure  she again  said   hello . Across  the  airwaves   came a  wolf whistle , followed by   another , which  shocked  her majesty . It was  none other  than  Larry the  cussing  Lorikeet,  who is treated like royalty  whenever   he stays  with the  Queen  on   Magnetic Island  , ringing  from Mission Beach  , with an invite  to  come  up  and  see  him  some  time  at  the  art  colony, where he regularly  poses   in   dark  glasses  for    portraits   painted  on   coconuts . 

A  Rainbow Lorikeet ? Larry with clean  pink sleeping pouch instead of  his  usual  Purple People Eater which  was  taken away  to  be  washed .
The Queen unexpectedly became  a  Crow carer  when one of two   chicks,  blown out of  a  nest on  her estate , was   rescued  and   placed  in one of  her aviaries    where  it was  fed  chicken  hearts  until  able  to  join  the  noisy  family . Meanwhile, back at the  Little Darwin ranch , the latest Curlew  to hatch   is shown  peeping  out  at  the  strange   world , listening for  alarming things that go  thump  and  Trump  during  the  night and  day .