AT SEA : Ewen Jones pointing out incoming ( angry ) mail and extremely noisy flocks of Magnetic Island flying fish to PM Turnbull , Mrs Turnbull , Environment Minister Hunt .
There are clear signs that members of the Australian Defence Force in the garrison city of Townville are angry with the Coalition over their paltry pay increase , cuts to allowances and the increase in Defence housing rents, which could see incumbent MHR for Herbert , Ewen Jones, meet his Waterloo , despite distant pundits saying otherwise.
One interesting pre-polling observation is that troops coming in to cast a vote often walk up and take an ALP how to vote . A seasoned ALP campaigner in Townsville said that in the past ADF members were more likely to march straight in , not make a clear display that they were supporting one party or another , although it was thought many voted for the conservatives.
This is attributed to anger in the ranks over treatment from the government and the performance of Ewen Jones who , to use what sounds like a military expression but which is actually slang , is on the bugle .
ALP doorknockers report this dissatisfaction over pay and rent has often surfaced in Defence housing areas of Townsville .
The outspoken , now independent, Tasmanian senator , Jacqui Lambie , ex Army , lambasted the government for the mean pay increase offer . She made a hit in Townsville on Anzac Day when she played two up . Not only disgruntled troops are massing to march on Jones at the ballot box . Just the other day , there was something of a minor confrontation when unionists were handing out how to vote cards which put Jones last and a Jones supporter became angry .
This dissatisfaction among the troops and organised unionists will also feature in the battle for the federal Northern Territory seat of Solomon , held by Natasha Griggs , again challenged by the ALP candidate , Luke Gosling , an ex Army man with leadership roles in Parachute Infantry, Commandos, Defence Cooperation Programs, the Territory’'s Norforce, as well as overseas service in PNG, Malaysia and Timor-Leste.
The NT Library in Darwin's parliament house has sent out a call for election brochures and flyers to be sent in to add to its large historical collection . In one item Chookie urges the voter to SAVE MY BACON .
The NT Library in Darwin's parliament house has sent out a call for election brochures and flyers to be sent in to add to its large historical collection . In one item Chookie urges the voter to SAVE MY BACON .