Monday, March 21, 2016


One  of  Australia's  strangest  birthday  parties  took place at the Queen of the Jungle's Magnetic Island  residence , above , which   is  fast becoming  more famous than  the  birdcage  Lord  Snowdon   designed   for  the  London Zoo.  The  party  animal  the  centre of  the   bash  was  none other  than  that   familiar  celebrity  who  grabs  more  publicity  than  Shane Warne  and  late  starter  Madonna  ,  Larry  the  Cussing   Lorikeet.

The  gala  event  marked  his  10th birthday and  the  10th anniversary of  Cyclone Larry,  after  whom  he was named . A  juvenile with  few  feathers, he was   injured   when  severe    Cyclone   Larry  smashed  into  Mission Beach on March 20 , 2006.  Unable  to fly because of his injuries , he was brought up  by  Jenn  and  John Payne, with  him  in  the  above  photograph ,  and   made  many  cruises  with   them ,  leading  the  relaxed , tropical   Jimmy  Buffett lifestyle , slurping  a  Margarita now  and again , posing for photographs , appearing on TV, his   portrait  painted  on  coconuts .

At  the  party , Jenn  Payne , officially named Australia's number one parrot head ,  wore  her  elaborate  Buffett  parrot head  hat , to  which Larry took  a   dislike  and   gave  it   the   biffo treatment- in between sipping champers, honey water,  dragging  a  new purple  teddy bear present  about , whistling , dancing .
Other  treats included  a  Danish  cake , German biscuits , apple  slice.

Jenn  , seen  wearing her famous  hat, left the next day to  fly to Sydney and become  part of  the crew  bringing a  tug north . Soon after she arrives back , she will  be  off  to Bora  Bora to promote island  art. 
One  of  the  guests , who made a  tasty  cheesecake  for  the party, told an interesting  story about a stuffed 83 year old Cockie  which  now sits on top of a  TV set  in  Melbourne . In its life it had never laid an egg, however the taxidermist  discovered  it  had  been  a  female.

During  the party, some guests  availed  themselves of a shot or two of rum  from a  bottle  bearing  Larry dressed as a  pirate , complete  with sword , on the label , drawn   by   Jenn .

CREME  DE  LARRY :  The day of the party, this blogger was lolling about in the  recliner in shortie pyjamas , watching  the ABC  Insiders, part of  the Sunday ritual , when  the  viewing was  interrupted by  a  telephone call ... from  the Queen of  the Jungle  asking  us  to  buy  some  cream  for  Larry's  frolic.Back to you Barrie.