Tuesday, February 23, 2016


The  Little  Darwin  resident  Curlews have produced another two chicks .TOP : Mother with  two day olds. CENTRE : First chick spotted peeping out at world from under wing. ABOVE : More adventurous  chick  exploring  surrounds .

 The birth  process was  stressful - to this  blogger and  partner . One night , lolling off to sleep during a television documentary on polar bears  invading a community in the Arctic , this  moulting  twitcher was  informed that there was something upsetting the Curlew sitting on the eggs up  the backyard.
It could not possibly be a polar bear , because we are going through a  prolonged  hot, humid  and dry spell. It could be a feral cat , none of which have been caught in the trap , except possums.

A snake  could not be ruled out because  ace  builder Terry Gaffney  had three  episodes with a  persistent python which  kept  trying to get at his  caged  Cockateils , one called Lucky , who , unluckily,  escaped and has not been seen  since. There are  at least  two  Cockatiels missing locally, according to the community  notice  board . 

Terry , a drummer in  a popular  Townsville band  called  Midlife Crisis , caught the snake  after  the third  raid  and released it in a wildlife reserve  not far from a backpackers resort where , with  any luck, it will devour an  Irishman sprawled out  on a nearby  beach  in  a  comatose   state   after   a  Full Moon Party .

Lurching out  the backdoor to investigate  the uproar  ,  the  Curlew  was  heard   screeching  loudly and  on running, more like stumbling ,  up to the nesting spot  a large Possum, a baby on its back ,was seen standing right next to  the bird, flat on  the  ground in protective mode, wings  outstretched, screaming Blue Murder.

Banging throngs together  caused the Possum and passenger to disappear up  a  palm tree ; the  shrieking  ceased . Now that the  chicks have arrived  they will have to be guarded , especially at night , against  cats, snakes and the murderous Barking  Owls. Daytime  has   other  dangers .
Five of the six  chicks born previously did not survive . The one that did  live was firmly told to  leave home when the parents  again became broody . And just now it has been noticed that the male bird , who injured  a leg previously , is again  walking with  a slight limp. He also screamed Blue Murder when he was captured and  had his  leg expertly attended to by the wildlife carers from  the  bespoke Man Friday Mexican  restaurant  on  Magnetic Island .