Thursday, March 5, 2015


Young Geraldine
Browsing  through a bundle of  crumpled  old   West Australian  newspapers, a Little Darwin oddity   scout came     across   this item  relating to an innocent  girl  called  Geraldine  Doogue  taking   here  favourite doll   to school  to learn   the  ABC.  

 It  is  hard to imagine    that  this sweet  child   would grow up  to  become a renowned radio and television journalist, even receive  the AO  and other  awards ,  working  for  God's  gift  to Australia, the wholesome communications empire known as the ABC, which  causes increasingly hysterical  goose-steppers  to  rant  and  rave,  froth  at  the  mouth .

Doogue , born in 1952 , was  recently back  in  Perth  on assignment and  is regularly   heard on  Radio National's superb,  always  well  researched  Saturday Extra.  At the time she was  being  photographed out West  with   her doll  , a   person  called  Lang  Hancock  was  flying  about  the  ranges  looking  at  the  red landscape.