Sunday, December 7, 2014


To ease the pressure  of modern living and gain  inner peace, the founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society, Gavin  Pretor-Pinney , strongly urges people to take time out and  gaze up into the sky and  watch  the evolving  clouds . Incredible  shapes can be seen , he says, such as  a  heart , fish , or a  hand waving  goodbye . Looking up at  the wild  storm clouds in Sydney and Brisbane of  late may have caused  tension and deep concern  rather  than  a state of  nirvana .
 In Darwin recently  a  blogger in  a  penthouse  had  a  personal experience  with  a  cloud   he  nicknamed  The Blob .  Before   dawn  on  three successive  days  , due to  some peculiar meteorological conditions , it  appeared  in  the same position over  the  harbour , grew,  shed   pieces  like a  fan  dancer.  It  was first captured  on  camera in  the above  panoramic  view across the city as the small , lonely , dark cloud on  the  right.  Then  it  grew, below,  slowly  rotating  on a vertical  axis ,  the  top  and  bottom  tumbling  ever  so  slowly. Same originating  small  shape , same position , same  time , same act  as  if  performing  a  dance  to  welcome  the  new day.  On  the other hand,  this  cloud thrice appearing   no bigger  than a man's hand  could  be  a sign that  an end  is coming  to the  drought gripping a  large  part of  the  land  . 


Vallis  Photographs.