Friday, May 2, 2014


Is  this  gesticulating politician  unwittingly  guilty of  the  extra-judicial  killing  of  Peter Pan's  midget girlfriend ,  the   beloved  Tinkerbell ?.... If so,  should  he  be  fed  to  a  crocodile ?

Australia’s   fabulous  flock  of  fairies  is  being  decimated because  of  all  the  finger pointing  in   politics , according  to  the  battered   Fairy Godmother .  In an exclusive interview with  Little Darwin’s Fairy Correspondent , Narelle Goody-Twoshoes  , the   bedraggled Fairy  Godmother  explained  the  sad  situation  over  a  cup  of    latte  honey dew  in a   King’s  Cross  grotto.

The tearful  grand old lady  revealed that  due to  a Satanic  curse , a   fairy is  killed  each  time  somebody  points , the finger acting  like a  Death Ray gun .  Thus , she begged  all politicians  to  stop finger  pointing  in  parliament  and  on  accursed photo  opportunites  when  they  are  in  factories  or  on  building  sites. The recent epidemic of   finger  pointing  during the  rerun of the Senate election in Western Australia had  wiped  out  a  vast number of innocent  fairies in  that  state. There  were  now  more  blowflies  than  fairies  in  WA.

The  Tooth Fairy , she added , was  now on  stress  leave after  dodging  all the  finger   pointing  during  the   election  , and  as a result  gummy   kids  were  starting  to   doubt   that   fairies  even  exist .

Clutching her  broken wand , and modestly  covering a  rent  in her clothing near her  ample  bosom  ,  the  Fairy Godmother said she  had  experienced several  near death   finger  pointing  episodes .  She made  an  impassioned  plea  for  the  Federal Attorney-General ,  George Brandis,  a man handy with his  digits , to bring in  legislation   outlawing  finger pointing  throughout  the  land , especially near  magic mushroom fairy  rings   and   dingly  dells.

Our  reporter  Goody-Twoshoes    immediately  rang the  A-G’s office   for a   response.  His  media  consultant  said Brandis  was not available  because he   was still  trying  to  assemble  his  evil made in China   bookshelf  kit .   However, she said he  had  nothing  against   fairies . Indeed, some of  his  best  friends  were   fairies .

Mr  Brandis , she  continued ,  had  said  he would  now  do  a  Rudd  and  stick his  finger  up  his  nose  instead  of  point   at  members opposite. He fervently   wished  the  Fairy  Godmother   could  quickly  get  her  wand  panel beated  so  that  she  could  order  the  bookshelf  to  fall  into   place .
EDITOR’S NOTE : Goody Two-Shoes will be nominated for the top Australian  journalists’ accolade – Fairy  Floss  Churnalist  of  the  Year.