Bulldust Diary rolling stone, Peter Burleigh, soon to take refuge in Ecuador to escape Grey Nomads baying for his blood , kindly sent us this stimulating collection of Goonster Spike Milligan reading his own books to help us through the sleepless, freezing tropical nights .
****************************************************"YOU CAN'T HOARD FUN, IT HAS NO SHELF LIFE."-Gonzo journalist ,Hunter S.Thompson, in Kingdom of Fear: Loathsom Secrets of a Star Crossed Child in the Final Days of the American Century . I disagree with this statement because you can hoard Thompson's books and those of Spike Milligan, John Hepworth and others who massage your funny bone in moments of despair . In the case of our dear departed John Hepworth , I have just reread , with delight, the wonderful piece he wrote for Nation Review about the reaction in The Lobby restaurant , Canberra, the day Gough Whitlam was done in by John Kerr . It speaks of the splendid looking Ms wearing a Shame, Fraser, Shame badge on her left tit. This femme with the tit adornment cannot believe what has happened , nor can other gluttons in the popular eatery , and look like stunned mullet. That entertaining political funster,Mungo MacCallum, with a grand command of English, assures her in no uncertain way that the sky has indeed fallen, reportedly addressing her as "love," a wee bit sexist . The bewhiskered Hepworth, his book illustrated by the great Leunig, then went on to describe what was about to happen to the nation, usurped by the Coalition,working with that "sabre-toothed " Queensland guppy, Joh-Bjelke Petersen . It is a dismal setting similar to the present political imbroglio, but the current Governor-General, surely, would not defrock Julia Gillard? Despite not agreeing with Hunter's funny assertion, Little Darwin announces that as we approach the end of the financial year ,one in which the Marines have landed , a feast of great reading has been lined up for the rest of the full frontal calendar year -some of it funny, some serious , some hard to define . This during a period when Darwin damsels, their heaving bossoms plastered with political badges, will be spreading fear and loathing in the casino city , now under threat from fireworks and Myer. Never fear, relief is on the way. Peter Burleigh's magical mystery tour of the Top End of Australia is ready to resume in the brave new (almost bankrupt ) financial year.