Thursday, June 28, 2012


Ferocious West Australian warlord , Field Marshall Krupp,  above , awarded 13 iron crosses and 20  gunmetal Rolex watches , has been instructed by Gina Rhinemaiden to make a full frontal attack on the Sydney Morning Herald . She has ordered him to boot out the board and flog articulate reporter, David Marr, who prevented her first proposed board member, Lord Monkey-Nuts, from coming aboard . The fierce warrior is shown here in full regalia , the sash across his chest is either Gina’s garter or her money belt . His Yak wool adorned hat held under his sweaty armpit, when worn , makes him look as aggressive as John Howard in an Akubra. The Field Marshall insists that his batman , Fondeau Volte, be placed in charge of Dutch courage supplies during the assault on Broadway, which promises to be a long, bloody affair, strongly resisted by bibulous editorial staff . Rose Marie , a well- known Perth belly dancer, will be in charge of the invading army’s camp followers