Twins are the subject of a series that has started running on ABC TV. From the diverse and unusual Little Darwin files come these early pix on the subject of double trouble. At the top , circa 1918, twins Eileen and Betty, aged 1 year 11 months, appear in a Geo. A. Rogers, Rundle Street, Adelaide, postcard , sent to Auntie and Uncle Frank. Below, left, the same girls, aged seven , in postcard to same Auntie and Uncle, wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Bottom , right, twins Mary and Joan at Hogan’s Royal Hotel ,Gundagai, NSW, 18/4/25.

In a move probably designed to annoy his twin brothers , Darwin agronomist Rob Wesley-Smith provided the above snap of Peter and Martin, in the Adelaide Hills , with faithful Cocker Spaniel , Chips, a name perpetuated with successive dogs of the same breed . Oops! The hound dog was actually a Red Setter , Terry by name, who belonged to an uncle . The writer of this post once worked on one of Australia's biggest selling Sunday papers and DOG OF THE WEEK was one of the reasons why it was so popular with the intelligentsia of Sydney . If you got your doggy statements incorrect you could upset the readers and the editor might bark at you as circulation figures plummeted .

Here again are the pooch- loving Wesley- Smith twins , Martin on the left , Peter on the right, in football gear,posing with the family Holden . Little Darwin has seen a pic of the fine Cocker,Chips, and extend our apologies, along with a sack of Smackos, to make up for our gross error. Rob's brothers share a very creative house and are involved in numerous humanitarian and social justice issues as well as production of acclaimed musical shows.