Monday, September 6, 2010


Driving about Brisbane in what could unfairly be called a clunker, I realised that God was giving Little Darwin an exclusive tip about who would win the race to form government . Attached to the dashboard by a blob of blue tack , up against the speedometer, was the patron of travellers, Saint Christopher . The sainted one was facing FORWARD -the direction in which a certain ranga intends to head on the pilgrimage to the light on the hill.

My chauffeur was a skilled Sydney bus driver who knows how to drift race and thus was able to weave in and out of the traffic as if in the safe hands of a host of Heavenly angels. Because Saint Christopher constantly attracted our attention, it was noted that the fuel was getting low, so drove into a service station to fill up. However, we thought the noble car ,on loan, probably ran on leaded petrol .

The dashing chauffeur asked the Indian service station attendant what fuel was used in a leaded machine . No idea . Wonder if it is this stuff called Vortex which aptly describes the present political situation? Off we drove to another service station and were told by the female attendant that she thought you added oil to the fuel . It was indeed a miraculous situation as we were obviously riding about in a Victa lawnmower,once a proud Australian invention,now apparently wholly or partly made in America .

Reluctant to squirt oil into the tank , we drove off into the boisterous traffic on the road to Damascus , hoping and praying that we would not be caught short . Of course, all was revealed . Our limo ran on unleaded and , on reflection, I think either the saint or the kid he had sitting on his shoulder had red hair...another pointer to the election outcome? Sinful punters may use this parable to place a last minute bet.