Saturday, September 18, 2010


The relentless stormtrooper mentality of the Federal Opposition is evident in its every utterance. This aggressive attitude is a clear indication that parliamentary sittings and public discourse will be a verbal blitzkrieg ,especially as Tony Abbott has repeatedly said the role of an opposition is to " ferociously " challenge the government . Thus calls for a modicum of goodwill in Australian politics appear verboten when it comes to members of the snarling right .

Surely , after an election in which the electorate at large expressed disdain for the usual phony wars engaged in by both major parties , the Tories have learned something. Apparently not. The Coalition , like the Taliban in Afghanistan , has rejected any idea of a democratic election and a civilised exchange of ideas to advance the nation. It is plainly all out war and the shrieking conservatives will use endless improvised explosive denouncements to try and bring the government down.

Abbott is reeling about the nation like some imitation Tony Mundine , sounding and looking like a punch- drunk , postering, lantern –jawed Mussolini who almost managed to get Sydney trains to run on time. Liberal leading lights regularly appear with incredibly stern expressions on their faces as if suffering from excruciating piles while shouting some new pox upon the government. Together , Shadow Foreign Minister ,Julie Bishop, and dear old Alexander Downer, bucketed the appointment of Kevin Rudd as Australia’s Foreign Minister.

It has to be said that the warm reception given Rudd on his arrival in Washington from President Obama and the Secretary of State , Hillary Clinton, shows that he can handle this post with great aplomb , not that there should have been any doubt about his capacity to do so. Are there any small l Liberals left in the Coalition, or have they all turned into rabid bitsas, barking at the world and spreading disaffection and fleas throughout the nation?